Chickpea salad. (v.478274)

Well.. This isn’t the first chickpea salad recipe and it surely won’t be the last in this lifetime. I gave my old bay seasoning a wee break to delve into using furikake on something other than rice, and here we are!  


1 can chickpeas, rinsed, drained 

1/3 cup vegan mayo (I like using Lisa’s vegan Kewpie mayo!)

2-3 tablespoons vegan Furikake (this brand is great!)

1 teaspoon kombu dashi kelp broth seasoning (I get mine at Oomomo

Dash of celery salt

Dulse flakes to top


Mash your chickpeas, leaving some whole bits. Add remaining ingredients and stir. Pop in the fridge for 30 minutes  

Use as a sandwich filling, or top this on some salad, Melba toast, rice, whatever you fancy.